100% Focused & Professional | Expert in property management Innovative and flexible approach | Years of experience
Property Management Sydney NSW
Property Point is a property management Sydney company & property valuation firm that truly understands the importance of professionalism and efficiency when managing your property. We have been in business for over ten years. Our experts are highly skilled and energetic; they will provide you with quality assistance for buying, selling, managing or renting your property. We have an extensive knowledge base of properties, tenants, and landlords and can assist you with finding your next home or apartment. Our goal is to provide you with personalised attention and exceptional service throughout the transaction. Get a quote from our Sydney property manager Experts.
We are the leading property management Sydney agency that specialises in property, office and commercial management services. We have many years of experience in the industry and are determined to provide our clients with first-class service.
Our full suite of services comprises-
Residential property management (renovation, renting) and commercial property management
Sales of residential and commercial properties
Estate agency services
You can also avail of free consultations to determine what service will work best for your Sydney property management. We will help generate the highest possible ROI on your property. Note that we are not merely boasting about ourselves, for real. You will experience the benefits of hiring our affordable services. Our top priority is your satisfaction, and we strive to exceed your expectations at every stage of the rental process.
Let’s have a look at some of the biggest perks of hiring one of the best Property management companies in Sydney.
Cost-effective fees for property management
Boost the value of your property
Ensure efficient rent collection
Minimize vacancy period
Save yourselves from legal issues
Get the best quality tenants
Our Property Management Services Sydney Include:
Rental and tenant management
Renovation and maintenance
Property sale and purchase
Accounts and finance
Marketing and advertising
Handling Legal Processes
Accounts, Finance & Insurance
Safety and Security
Most Trusted Property Manager Sydney
You should consider hiring a trusted property manager in Sydney if you are planning to rent or lease your property in Sydney, you should consider hiring a trusted property manager. Property Pointhas the best property managers in Sydney. We are Sydney’s most trusted property management agency because of our unmatchable honesty and reliability. Our team of professionals can save you from the headache of tenant screening, collecting rent, administering lease agreements, advertising your property, maintaining the property, record keeping, and handling emergency maintenance and paperwork. They will go to lengths to ensure that your property is managed most efficiently. We understand that it’s our responsibility to ensure that your property stays in top condition. You can rely on us to achieve your investment goals without fail with the help of our comprehensive Property Management services in sydney that provide complete peace of mind throughout ownership.
Contact With Us Sydney Property Valuation Experts
Property Point is an expert in property management.
We are a team of property management experts in sydney who have been in the industry for over a decade. That’s why we have extensive experience finding the best tenants for your residential property. We are committed to ensuring that your property always shines for the best price possible! Our professionals are amongst the best property management agents in Sydney as they understand that every property is different, and we tailor our services to meet your needs as best as possible. They will take care of all the legal aspects and act as your agent by enhancing your rental yields. Besides, we will be responsible for collecting rent and handling other financial issues that may arise during the tenancy period. We are proud of our reputation as a leading residential and commercial property management services in Sydney, Australia. Property Point offers a range of services that can help you manage your properties, from maintenance and repairs to selling your property or business. We have a proven track record of delivering exceptional customer service and trust that you will get more than just average service from us. Moreover, our managers are always on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We can be there for you even if you’re not at the property.
Contact Property Point Today!
Book a call or fill out our enquiry form to find out how we can help you achieve your property goals.
Thank you to John from Property Point for managing our family’s Commerical property. He is very effective and a professional in his role. I have no hesitations recommending him to family and friends!
ahmed waeis
we have been fortunate enough to have rented our apartment through Property Point for the past two years and we have found John and his team to be tremendously considerate, helpful and always professional in their approach to all matters, we would highly recommend John and his team to anyone looking for all things Real Estate. The service Property Point offers is second to none.
Buland Emadi
Extremely helpful and efficient! quick turnaround time. Great work guys!
Elliot Smith
Quick, reliable and they got the job done. Would definitely use again.
richard gibara
WOW !!!
Its a bad market but john and his team reassured me that they would do their best to get the result I wanted. Not only did they get the result, they beat it by $28,000.I would recommend John to anyone.
Daniel Cutelli
I have a number of properties in and out of Sydney and Property Point are by far the most professional, client focused and proactive property managers I have come across. Service is second to none for the best price!!
So much so I have also engaged their services for property sales and they did not disappoint in this field either. John and the team are great would recommend to any buyers, sellers and owners!
Anthony Chan
John and Marliez are the best property agents I've worked with so far, the great thing about their approach is that they tackle every problem with the approach of "what would I do if I owned this property?". An example of this was when my tenant asked for a high ceiling light to be changed. Instead of doing what most agents would do and calling a handyman, John literally went in there and changed it himself. I highly recommend them.
George Forda
We have 3 properties that are managed by Property Point.... They are so thorough and professional. A+++ for their service, hospitality and dedication to customer satisfaction
Liability limited under a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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